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that afternoon...still ringing
Date Completed:July 9, 2000
Duration:about 5 minutes
First Performance:Robert Frankenberry, piano 15. August, 2000 on a New Music Group/Daedalus concert at the University of Akron
Comments:for Rose Marie Elias
Program Notes:that afternoon...still ringing is a long overdue present for my cousin Rose Marie, who was far more responsible than anyone else for my early musical experiences. She played the piano for me when I was very young - I had never seen such a thing done "live" and I was fascinated. She showed me the music on paper - whole pages of Beethoven sonatas covered with nests of thirtysecond notes - and as she played I discovered the connection between vertical and horizontal music. I think this is reflected in the piece, which is both a short history of my discovery of tonal harmony and a portrait of her playing the piano - with me at her side on the bench, lost in the music. Those moments from the early 1960's ring through for me today and serve as an undercurrent to all I have done. RZ