Listing 271 - 300 of 300 results

Composer Title
Peter Tchaikovsky

Symphony no. 5 in e minor, op.64

Symphony no. 6 in B minor (Pathetique) op. 74 - (1893)

James Tenney

Three Indigenous Songs

Randall Thompson


Philip Thompson

Concerto for Percussion and Orchestra - premiere

Finney's Prayer - (premiere)

Michael Tippett

Concerto for Double String Orchestra

Ralph Turek

Counted Sorrows - (premiere)

Valedictum - (premiere)

Claude Vivier

Zipangu (1980)

Richard Wagner

Prelude and Love Death from Tristan and Isolde

William Walton

Viola Concerto

Robert Ward

Dialogues, a Triple Concerto

Carl maria von Weber

Oberon overture

Judith Weir

I Give You the End of a Golden String (2011-13)

Isti Mirant Stella

Piano Concerto (1997)

Sederunt Principes (1987)

Still, Glowing - (2008 - US premiere)

Tiger Under the Table (2002)

Winter Song (2006) - U S premiere

Frances White

Centre Bridge (dark river) (2001)

Barbara White

Raging River, Rolling Stone - (Pittsburgh premiere)

Amy Williams

Cineshape 2

Cineshape 5 - premiere

Pulse Stream (premiere)

Sala Luminosa

Mary Lou Williams

Zodiac Suite

Charles Wuorinen

Bearbeitungen ueber das Glogauer Liederbuch

Maury Yeston


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