Listing 361 - 390 of 434 results

Composer Title
Toru Takemitsu

From far beyond Chrysanthemums and November fog

Rocking Mirror Daybreak

Eli Tamar

Lachrymae - (2008)

Hilary Tann

The Cresset Stone - U.S. premiere

Bruce J. Taub

Frozen on each face - (2005)

Impacted Crystal Cries - (1996)

In That Cold Place - premiere. written for, dedicated to RZ

Georg Philipp Telemann

Twelve Fantasias

Christopher Theofanidis

Flow, my tears

Philip N. Thompson


Devon Osamu Tipp

Ignis Fatuus - 9 minutes, Written for and dedicated to Roger Zahab

Dennis Tobenski

Duo for violin and piano (2010)

Tiet Ton - That

Metal - Terre - Eau

Joan Tower

Platinum Spirals (1976)

Roy Travis

Duo Concertante (1967)

Francine Trester

Partita for Solo Violin - (1998)

Trio for violin , clarinet and piano - (1997) premiere

Lester Trimble

Solo for a Virtuoso (1971)

Bradley Turner

A Shameless Ploy to Get You to Love Me - violin and cello, premiere

Reza Vali

Calligraphy no. 5 - premiere

Three Romantic Songs

Burr Van Nostrand

Phaedra Antinomaes (1968)

Francesco Maria Veracini

Sonata in B flat, op. 1/8

Nils Vigeland

Envoy - (1981)

Giovanni Battista Viotti

Concerto no. 22 in A minor

Claude Vivier

Paramirabo - (1978)

Piece pour clarinette et violon - (1975)

Piece pour Violon et Piano (1975)

Orianna Webb

Cantilena (2000)

Piano Trio

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