Listing 61 - 90 of 434 results

Composer Title
William Brooks

For Violin - (1990)

Margaret Brouwer

Sonata for violin and piano - (1987)

Elizabeth Brown

Chronicle - (1992) viola and piano

Seawatch - written for and premiered by RZ

Herbert Brun

Sonatina for violin alone

Dave Burrell

Blackmail Tango (from Suite for piano, viola and trumpet) - trumpet, violin and piano

Existence - violin and piano

Transformation - violin and piano

Curt Busoni-Cacioppo

Faust Narrative No. 1 - (1995)

Curt Cacioppo

Elegy - (after Shakespeare's Hamlet - "And flights of angels sing thee to thy rest")

John Cage

Cheap Imitation (1977)

Chorals (1978)

Freeman Etudes (1977-90)

Nocturne (1947)

Six Melodies (1950)

Thirteen Harmonies

Robert Carl

Fragile Farewell - (2014) for piano trio, commissioned by the Phoenix Concerts, premiered and recorded by entelechron

Elliott Carter

Four Lauds

Riconoscenza per Goffredo Petrassi (1984)

Carlos Chavez

Sonatina - (1924)

Paul Chihara

Duo Concertante

Christian Clark


Aaron Copland


Two Ballads

Arcangelo Corelli

Sonatas for violin and continuo, op.5

John Corigliano

Sonata for violin and piano

The Red Violin Caprices

Henry Cowell

Set of Five



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