Listing 181 - 210 of 434 results

Composer Title
David Keberle

Slice - (1998) written for and premiered by RZ

Linda Kernohan

With the Angels - in memoriam Tyler Clementi - (2016) premiere - Roger Zahab, January 29, 2017 Heinz Chapel, University of Pittsburgh

Jin Hi Kim

Kee Maek #3 - (1986)

Oliver Knussen

Autumnal, op. 14

Secret Psalm - (1990/2003)

Zoltan Kodaly

Duo, op.7 - (1914)

Andrew Kohn

He Shook With Racing Notes the Standing Air - (1998) - premiere

Keith Kothman

Polstertanz - (1987)

Gyorgy Kurtag

S. K. Remembrance Noise, op.12 - (1975) seven songs to poems by Dezso Tandori

John Paul Labno

Fool's Fire - written for Roger Zahab and John Paul Labno to premiere via remote recording on August 5, 2020 at Vermont College of Fine Arts. performance by John Paul Labno and Roger Zahab

light drifts down - (2023) first performance given by RZ andJennifer Sternick, February 27 2023 Bellefield Hall Auditorium University of Pittsburgh

David Lang

Illumination Rounds (1982)

Billy Jim Layton

Five Studies for violin and piano (1952)

Anne LeBaron

Devil in the Belfry - (1993)

Jean-Marie Leclair

Sonata in C, op. 9, no. 8

Nicola LeFanu

Piano Trio

David Leisner

Dances in the Madhouse

Sonata for violin and guitar

Katarina Leyman

a Weave of Threads - (2104) for piano trio, commissioned by the Phoenix Concerts, premiered and recorded by entelechron

David Lidov

Sonata in Two Movements: Remembering Minor Dreaming of Major - written for and premiered by Roger Zahab and Robert Frankenberry

Triptych for violin - (1999)

Gyorgy Ligeti

Hyllning for Hilding Rosenberg's Birthday - (1982)

Trio for horn, violin and piano - (1982)

Charles Lwanga

Ngolo Ngolo - premiere

Gilda Lyons

Between Dog and Wolf

Half Light - (2014) for piano trio, commissioned by the Phoenix Concerts, premiered and recorded by entelechron

La Novia de Tola (2011)


David Macbride

From a Rose Garden - (1988) written for and premiered by RZ

In Common - (1998)

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